A public-private partnership that coordinates across
government private sector, and civil society to achieve
Hawai‘i’s 2030 statewide sustainability goals and
serve as a model for integrated green growth.

Our Portfolios

Hawai‘i Green Growth is mobilizing broad collaboration through a statewide network to support Hawai‘i’s 2030 sustainability goals through the following strategic portfolios:

Aloha+ Challenge Dashboard Lab: Statewide Accountability Mechanism
The Aloha+ Challenge Dashboard is an open-data platform to track progress, provide accountability and inform action on Hawai‘i’s sustainability commitment for 2030. HGG leads development of the Dashboard with public-private partners to measure and communicate annual progress through shared targets, indicators, data tends, and public resources. After the Dashboard is populated with all six goals in 2017, there is an opportunity to engage students in maintaining and increasing innovation with statewide partners through 2030 with a structured internship program. HGG and academic partners are launching a Dashboard Lab to provide leadership pathways and meaningful workforce development opportunities focused on sustainable development policy and data.

Smart Sustainable Communities Roundtable: Private Sector Blueprints for Action
By convening a network of Hawai‘i’s business leaders, the Smart Sustainable Communities Roundtable envisions a more sustainable future for Hawai‘i based on triple bottom line principles: environmental stewardship, economic prosperity and community resilience. The Roundtable is developing Business Blueprints for Action that can help local business leaders catalyze action on collaborative projects that build resilience, reduce risk and create investment opportunities. The group launched through developing recommendations on Hawai‘i’s Aloha+ Challenge Smart Sustainable Communities goal, including target areas for economic prosperity, affordable housing, urban impact mitigation and sense of place among others. In 2017, the Roundtable will explore opportunities to develop market-based mechanisms, including a carbon offset and payment for ecosystem services programs linked to ecotourism initiatives.

Ala Wai Watershed Initiative: Increasing Community Resilience
HGG coordinates and facilitates policy action for the Ala Wai Watershed Partnership, a diverse public-private stakeholder group committed to an ambitious action plan to clean up the Ala Wai Watershed to reduce the risk of catastrophic natural disasters and provide significant environmental, economic and social benefits. Through this initiative, HGG will convene stakeholders on multi-disciplinary engineering and re-design, innovative financing and policy, disaster preparedness education, youth and community engagement, and a world-class prize competition to design climate resilient infrastructure and support ecosystem restoration. This initiative can provide an integrated model for other vulnerable areas across the state and the Pacific, and be adapted and applied to other regions to increase resiliency.

Legislation and Policy Agenda: Driving Implementation on Hawai‘i’s 2030 Goals
HGG advances implementation on Hawai‘i’s 2030 goals through high-impact legislation and policy priorities, tangible initiatives, and innovative finance mechanisms. To leverage the opportunity of the 2016 IUCN World Conservation Congress, HGG scaled up efforts to catalyze over twenty legacy initiatives and ensure lasting policy outcomes for Hawai‘i. HGG serves as a facilitator and convener to identify, vet and confirm agreement on an annual policy agenda, and uplift partner priorities though the Aloha+ Challenge, high-level outreach, and a diverse network.

Next Generation Leadership: Inspiring Student and Community Action
HGG is committed to creating opportunities for next generation leadership and statewide community engagement on the Aloha+ Challenge. As a first step to engaging students in all six of the Aloha+ Challenge sustainability goals, HGG is working with academic partners through a new MOU to engage youth leadership in co-development of statewide targets and indicators for the Aloha+ Green Workforce and Education goal. Through supporting existing network partners, HGG is developing innovative pathways to inspire and uplift student and community action on Hawai‘i’s 2030 sustainability goals, cultivate leadership development, and create practical workforce opportunities.

Scaling Island Models: Local Solutions to Address Global Challenges
Building on national and international recognition for Hawai‘i, HGG is expanding global partnerships to scale the Aloha+ Challenge as a locally and culturally appropriate model to achieve the UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. As part of the Global Island Partnership’s Island Resilience Initiative, HGG is working with leaders from 3-5 islands to increase capacity for public-private partnerships and local sustainable development through a peer-learning network. In addition to helping to address critical challenges facing islands, coastal communities and other sub-national contexts, international engagement helps to accelerate action and strengthen political leadership in Hawai‘i.

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