A public-private partnership that coordinates across
government private sector, and civil society to achieve
Hawai‘i’s 2030 statewide sustainability goals and
serve as a model for integrated green growth.

Aloha + Challenge 2030 Goals

Aloha Target Circle low res

The Aloha+ Challenge identifies six ambitious, interconnected sustainability goals to be acheived by 2030:

  1. Clean Energy: 70% clean energy - 40% from renewables & 30% from efficiency, with a view towards 100% by 2045
  2. Local Food: At least double local food production - 20-30% of food consumed is grown locally
  3. Natural Resource Management: Reverse the trend of natural resource loss mauka to makai by increasing freshwater security, watershed protection, community-based marine management, invasive species control, and restoration of native species
  4. Waste Reduction: Reduce the solid waste stream prior to disposal by 70% through source reduction, recycling, bioconversion, and landfill diversion methods
  5. Smart Sustainable Communities: Increase livability and resilience in the built environment through planning and implementation at the state and county levels
  6. Green Workforce & Education: Increase local green jobs and education to implement these targets

Learn more about each goals by clicking the links above, and visit the Aloha+ Challenge Dashboard at https://dashboard.hawaii.gov/aloha-challenge

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