A public-private partnership that coordinates across
government private sector, and civil society to achieve
Hawai‘i’s 2030 statewide sustainability goals and
serve as a model for integrated green growth.

Aloha + Challenge Dashboard

Dashboard Energy Dec 2016

Visit the online Aloha+ Challenge Dashboard: https://dashboard.hawaii.gov/aloha-challenge

The Aloha+ Challenge Dashboard is an online open data platform to track progress, provide accountability, and ensure transparency on the Aloha+ Challenge The online dashboard is designed for decision makers, practitioners, and the public to inform policy, data driven decision making, and inspire action on Hawai‘i's statewide 2030 sustainability goals.

The Dashboard currently under development, featuring targets, indicators, data trends, narratives and resources for four of the six 2030 goals: clean energy, solid waste reduction, natural resource management and local food goals. The Dashboard will be completed with the remaining two goals in 2017.


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