Natural Resource Management

Photo Courtesy of Air Maui Helicopters/The Nature Conservancy
Hawai'i Green Growth set ambitious targets in the areas of clean energy, local food, natural resource management, waste reduction, smart sustainable communities and green workforce to build a more secure, sustainable and resilient economy for Hawai'i by 2030.
HGG 2030 Target: Natural Resources
Reverse the trend of natural resource loss mauka to makai by increasing watershed protection, invasive species control, marine resource management, freshwater security, and restoration of native species.
2030 Target Background
The Hawai'i Department of Land and Natural Resources (DLNR) has committed to conserve 30% of priority watershed by 2030, and is working with partners to develop specific, measurable sub-targets for invasive species, marine resource management, freshwater security, and native species.
Leadership in Natural Resource Management
The Rain Follows the Forest— "Hahai nō ka ua i ka ululāʻau" is DLNR's watershed plan to conserve priority watershed forests. It is strongly supported and actively implemented by eleven watershed partnerships across the state, the Hawai'i Conservation Alliance (HCA) and its members; many large landowners, including Kamehameha Schools; and non-profits organizations, such as The Nature Conservancy (TNC).
The Hawai'i Invasive Species Council (HISC) and the Coordinating Group on Alien Pest Species (CGAPS) work with inter-agency partners to address critical invasive species prevention, control, and management.
The Department of Aquatic Resources (DAR) within the DLNR is working with many partners -- including the Polynesian Voyaging Society, Papahanaumokuakea Marine National Monument, H.K.L. Castle Foundation, Hawai'i Fish Trust -- to strengthen ocean and fisheries resource management across the state.
All these groups guide HGG's work in natural resource management.
Measuring Progress
Many leadership organizations listed above track progress on their lands, waters and internal natural resource management targets. In recent years, these stakeholders came together to develop shared indicators that could track statewide progress on conservation. The Hawai'i Conservation Alliance, Natural Resource Data Solutions LLC, and the Department of Land and Natural Resources are leading this initiative, starting with indicators for our watershed and marine resource management goals across the state.
HGG's Sustainability Measures Start-Up Project is working with these partners, the Counties and others statewide to agree on a credible set of practical, public statewide sustainability indicators to inform decision-makers and the public on progress on our six sustainability targets.