A public-private partnership that coordinates across
government private sector, and civil society to achieve
Hawai‘i’s 2030 statewide sustainability goals and
serve as a model for integrated green growth.

State of Hawai'i Report to the 28th Legislature Aloha+ Challenge


HGG WG Slider

 State of Hawai'i Report to the 28th Legislature Aloha+ Challenge: Recommendations for Taking Action and Tracking Progress


The State of Hawai'i Report to the 28th Legislature Aloha+ Challenge: Recommendations for Taking Action and Tracking Progress is now available online! Mahalo to the State Sustainability Coordinator & nearly 100 experts, including representatives of the six Aloha+ Challenge signatories, non-profits and the private sector, that participated in this broad consultation process to provide a full set of legislative recommendations on Aloha+ Challenge next steps.

Report available online: http://dlnr.hawaii.gov/wp-content/uploads/2014/11/CO15-Aloha-Challenge-Rpt14.pdf



4th Statewide Measures Meeting & Briefing: Hawai‘i Island

 HI Island Measures Mtg

4th Statewide Measures Meeting: Hawai'i Island
November 12 & 13, King Kamehameha's Kona Beach Hotel
Hawai'i Green Growth convened the 4th Statewide Measures Meeting on Hawai'i Island to prepare for the launch of the Aloha+ Challenge demonstration dashboard and provide recommendations for next steps on the HGG Measures Project in 2015. Over 30 statewide, public-private representatives from energy, food, natural resources, waste, smart growth, & green education/jobs participated in this two-day meeting on November 12 &13. Mahalo nui to Hawai'i County & King Kamehameha's Kona Beach Hotel for co-sponsoring & hosting this meeting. See highlights from the 4th statewide measures meeting on Hawai'i Green Growthʻs Facebook page

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3rd Statewide Measures Meeting & Briefing: Maui


Maui Measures Team test

 3rd Statewide Measures Meeting: Maui
August 20 & 21- Sheraton Maui Resort & Spa

Hawai'i Green Growth convened the 3rd Statewide Measures Meeting on Maui to continue development of shared sustainability indicators to track progress on the Aloha+ Challenge. The group is preparing to launch the Aloha+ Challenge dashboard with sections on clean energy and waste reduction in January 2015. Over 40 statewide, public-private representatives from energy, food, natural resources, waste, smart growth, & green education/jobs participated in this two-day meeting. Mahalo nui to Kyo-Ya/Starwood Hotels & Resorts and Hawai'i Gas for co-sponsoring this meeting. See highlights from the 3rd Statewide Measures Meeting on Hawai‘i Green Growthʻs Facebook page

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HŌKŪLEʻA AND HIKIANALIA in samoa ban ki-moon nainoa thompson 2
Ban Ki-Moon and William Aila Jr

PAGO PAGO, American Sāmoa – The United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon and President of Palau, Tommy E. Remengesau Jr., sailed aboard Hōkūleʻa and Hikianalia in Apia Harbor, Sāmoa today. They joined Worldwide Voyage crew and specialists such as Sylvia Earle of Mission Blue, artist Wyland, Blue Planet founder Henk Rogers, and Greg Stone of Conservation International.

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Maui Sustainability Briefing

Hawai‘i Green Growth
The team presenting the Maui Sustainability Briefings at the Maui Tropical Plantation on Wednesday, Aug. 20, included (left to right, back row) Gary Bulson, Michael Miyamoto, Gerry Ross, Alika Atay, Doug McLeod, Rob Parsons, Breanna Rose, Kainoa Casco, (front row) Audrey Newman, Jacqueline Kozak Thiel, Jennifer Chirico and Melanie Stephens.

Over 150 leaders from Maui and across the state attended a sustainability briefing co-hosted by Hawai‘i Green Growth, County of Maui, and Susty Pacific. Full coverage of the briefing is available courtesy of Akakū Community Access TV.

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State takes sustainability initiative to global stage

The plan promotes collaboration to hit targets that tackle environmental issues

Article By B.J. Reyes at Star Advertiser

A year ago Hawaii became the first subnational government to sign on to the Majuro Declaration for Climate Leadership, a pledge from Pacific island nations to take definitive steps in addressing climate change and sustainability challenges.

This week Hawaii is presenting its own initiative on addressing climate, sustainability, renewable energy and natural resource management at the 45th Pacific Islands Forum, an annual gathering of more than 300 delegates from 16 independent and self-governing Pacific states with the stated goal of stimulating economic growth and enhancing governance, security and cooperation in the region through policy advice.

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Jacqueline Kozak Thiel talks about Hawaii’s sustainability efforts and preparing the island chain for climate change

Original Interview at www.climate.gov

jacqueline kozak thiel climate gov
Jacqueline Kozak Thiel, Hawaii State Sustainability Coordinator

Located more than 2,000 miles from the continental United States, Hawaii faces a unique set of sustainability challenges that will become more complex as the climate changes. Jacqueline Kozak Thiel, Hawaii's State Sustainability Coordinator, has been an active advisor to Governor Neil Abercrombie in his efforts as a member President Obama's State, Local, and Tribal Leaders Task Force on Climate Preparedness and Resilience.

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2nd Statewide Measures Meeting: Kaua‘i

June 4 & 5, 2014. Hawai'i Green Growth convened 2nd Statewide Measures Meeting on Kaua'i to identify shared indicators for sustainability dashboard, and begin the process of building a statewide network. Nearly 40 statewide, public-private representatives from energy, food, natural resources, waste, smart growth, & green education/jobs participated in this meeting.

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World Conservation Congress in Hawaii 2016

world conservation congress hawaii 2

Hawai'i was selected to host the World Conservation Congress is 2016! We are honored to have the opportunity to welcome the world to Hawai'i to showcase U.S. leadership on conservation, sustainability and climate change.

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MA‘O Organic Farms

Island Bright Spots: invest in what works: Ma'o Organic Farms

We are the point between two eternities. We are honoring our ancestors via preparing the way for our future generations

-- MA`O Farm Manager Kaui Sana

Mao 1
Ma'o Farms

MA'O Organic Farms seeks to restore the ancestral practice of Malama 'Aina in a modern context via providing college internships to youth from the Waianae community as sweat equity for running a profitable organic farm.

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Governor Signs Bill Addressing Climate Change Adaptation

Photo Courtesy of www.governor.hawaii.gov Jesse Souki, Congressmen Chris Lee, State Sustainability Coordinator Jacqueline Kozak Thiel, Govenor Neil Abercrombie

HONOLULU – Gov. Neil Abercrombie today signed House Bill 1714 (Act 83), a measure that establishes an interagency climate adaptation committee under the Department of Land and Natural Resources (DLNR) to develop a sea-level rise vulnerability and adaptation report addressing statewide impacts to 2050.

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Mālama Interviews State Sustainability Coordinator

Article via Sierra Club Hawaii Mālama Newsletter

As a sign of the importance of self-sufficiency to our islands, in 2013 Governor Abercrombie created the position of State Sustainability Coordinator and appointed Jacqueline Kozak Thiel, an environmentalist with more than ten years’ experience working with communities in Hawai‘i, to the post. Thiel came to Maui right out of college to work as an Americorps intern at Haleakala and Kalaupapa National Parks. The assignment was followed by a four-year stint on the Kaua‘i Invasive Species Committee, after which Thiel became the statewide Communications Coordinator for the Hawai‘i Invasive Species Council. She also earned an M.A. in urban and regional planning from UHM.

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Building Partnerships for a Sustainable Future:

I canBright Spots in Hawaiʻi Leadership

Hawaiʻi Green Growth highlighted the importance of building local and international partnerships at the Hawaiʻi Conservation Conference on July 17, 2013. Over 200 people participated in interactive round-table discussions that highlighted "bright spots" or inspiring examples of collaborative initiatives that are advancing sustainability in Hawaiʻi.

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2014 the International Year of Small Island Developing States

UN declared 2014 the International Year of Small Island Developing States. Islands are at the forefront of efforts to address global challenges such as climate change through innovation, ingenuity, & traditional knowledge. 2014 is the year to celebrate the contributions that islands bring to the world!

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Healthy Hawai'i Watersheds

rain follows the forestHealthy watersheds and water supply are essential to the long-term sustainability of our islands. Take a look at this great, quick PSA on Rain Follows the Forest!

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Kanu Hawai'i

Kanu Hawaii
Photo Courtesy of Kanu Hawaii

Kanu Hawai'i has kicked off 2014 with Grow Local, a yearlong exploration of locally grown foods. Join the fun each month as Kanu delves into a new theme! January featured ʻono local snack recipes- try some below!

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