Hawai‘i & US State Department announce Aloha+ Challenge at UN Small Island Developing States Conference
Hawai'i announces Aloha+ Challenge internationally as part of the US Delegation at Third UN Small Island Developing States Conference in Apia, Samoa
US, Hawaii Announce Aloha+ Challenge for Sustainability
1 September 2014: The Aloha+ Challenge has been announced in Apia, Samoa, following its launch in Hawaii, US, on 7 July 2014. The joint sustainability commitment includes targets on: clean energy transformation; local food production; natural resource management; waste reduction; smart growth and climate resilience; and green jobs and education.
On 7 July, state and county leaders from Hawaii jointly launched the challenge, signing the Declaration of Commitment, which includes six targets for achievement by 2030, in Honolulu. Neil Abercrombie, Governor of Hawaii and a member of US President Barack Obama's Task Force on Climate Preparedness and Resilience said, "as a microcosm of the world's sustainability challenges, it is time for Hawaii to become a global model of how to develop innovative and collaborative solutions." The signing of the declaration was hosted by Hawaii Green Growth, which brings together key leaders from federal, state, county, business and nonprofit organizations.
Hawaii and the US Department of State announced the Aloha+ Challenge during the Multi-stakeholder Partnership Dialogue on Sustainable Economic Development and at a high-level Global Island Partnership (GLISPA) event during the SIDS Conference.
See photos & highlights from GLISPA reception, Partnership Dialouge, & HI engagment at SIDS Conference
Article from International Institute for Sustainable Developing (IISD) Reporting Services: http://sids-l.iisd.org/news/us-hawaii-announce-aloha-challenge-for-sustainability/