Island Leadership Highlighted at Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting (CHOGM)
Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting (CHOGM) Business Forum
April 16-20, 2018 in London, United Kingdom
HGG Executive Director Celeste Connors, Global Island Partnership (GLISPA) Executive Director Kate Brown, and London-based communications fellow and Kamehameha Schools graduate Kiara Kealoha attended the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting (CHOGM) Business Forum from April 16-20. HGG Executive Director chaired an Island Leaders Roundtable with island heads of state at the CHOGM Business Forum, and highlighted the role of public private partnerships in building resilience, addressing climate change, and investing in sustainability outcomes in a series of panel discussions.
HGG Executive Director Celeste Connors with Fiji Prime Minister
HGG Executive Director Celeste Connors with Prince of Wales
(Left to Right) Kristian Teleki, Sustainable Ocean Initiatie at World Resources Institute; Kiara Kealoha, HGG; Kate Brown, Global Island Partnership; Peter Thomson, United Nations Special Envoy for Oceans; Celeste Connors, HGG
Fiji launches first international green bond at London Stock Exchange
Fiji Prime Minister launches first international green bond