A public-private partnership that coordinates across
government private sector, and civil society to achieve
Hawai‘i’s 2030 statewide sustainability goals and
serve as a model for integrated green growth.

Applications Open: Communications Specialist, Aloha+Challenge

Kupu Logo horizontal NOBACKGROUND

Kupu, Kamehameha Schools (KS), Hawai’i Green Growth (HGG) and University of Hawai’i Office of Sustainability (UH) are hiring a cohort of four to six highly motivated, creative individuals with experience and a passion for communications and public engagement and education to help develop and execute a Communications & Engagement Strategy for the Aloha+ Challenge – Hawai‘i’s statewide commitment to achieve six interconnected sustainability goals by 2030 in Clean Energy, Local Food Production, Natural Resource Management, Solid Waste Reduction, Smart Sustainable Communities and Green Workforce & Education.

Position Overview

Start Date: April 1
End Date: June 30, with possible long-term extension
Application Deadline: March 17; Open until filled. If the position is posted, we are still hiring
Hours: 15-19 hrs/week
Salary: $15-18/hour
Position Location: Honolulu, HI; May be required to work at Kamehameha Schools, Kawaiaha’o Plaza (Honolulu), Hawai’i Green Growth (Honolulu), UH noa and/or home/school/virtual office at times
Benefits:  None

Application RequirementsPlease go to the following web page and complete the application form for the Aloha+ Challenge Communications Specialist at www.kupuhawaii.org/sustainability.

Essential Duties

  1. Engagement Strategy Development
  • Develop stakeholder map and public/student engagement strategy for the Aloha+ Challenge
  • Participate in relevant stakeholder meetings
  • Conduct student engagement research for the Aloha+ Green Workforce & Education goal and to inform Year 2+ student outreach strategy
  1. Develop Communications Strategy for General Public
  • Conduct research on Aloha+ Challenge and sustainability in Hawai`i and assess current communications and marketing processes and strategies, including website and social media presence
  • Work closely with HGG & KS Communications Teams, UH Office of Sustainability, and partners to identify input for social media marketing strategy for the Aloha+ Challenge
  • Identify Metrics and Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) for Marketing, Communications, Social Media, etc.
  • Develop Aloha+ Communications Strategy for general public
  • Monitor trends in social media tools, applications, channels, design and strategy
  1. Implementation of Communications Strategy
  • Implement initiatives and campaigns identified in Communications Strategy:
  • Develop relevant content topics to reach the general public, students and stakeholders
  • Assist in creation, curation, and management of all published content (images, video and written)
  • Develop and expand community and/or influencer outreach efforts
  • Compile reports for management showing results (ROI)
  • Track, monitor, and analyze Metrics & KPIs; tweak strategy as needed
  • Set goals for next cohort strategy period
  1. Participation in Hawai’i Green Growth Statewide Network:
  • Participate in Statewide Measures Meetings, multi-stakeholder meetings, and other events for professional development, research and stakeholder networking opportunities
  • Support the planning, preparation and execution for Statewide Measures Meetings on the Aloha+ Green Workforce and Education and Smart Sustainable Communities goals
  • Record and prepare meeting summaries for relevant stakeholder or statewide meetings
  • Provide event set-up and support for priority events or meetings
  • Support substantive development of agenda, presentations and materials, including cohort-led presentations as requested
  1. Other duties as assigned

Experience, Skills & Content Knowledge

Communications & Marketing Content and Theory
  • Experience and proficiency in communications and content marketing theory and application
  • Possesses knowledge and experience in the tenets of marketing, communications, engagement and social media marketing (SMM)
Social Media Marketing
  • Displays creativity and documented immersion, in-depth knowledge and understanding of social media platforms (Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, YouTube, and more.
  • Knowledge of social media and analytics software (Hootsuite, Raven Tools, Google Analytics, Facebook Insights, etc.).
Research & Analytical Skills
  • Passion for staying up-to-date in the world of sustainability, communications & marketing strategies, social and digital media, and what new measurement tools are being used
  • Ability to identify, collect, analyze and present a range of metrics and KPIs
Writing Skills
  • Excellent writing and language skills and versatility in copy for websites, Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, etc.
  • Can visualize as well as convey a message into relevant and interesting content.
Technical Skills
  • Possesses a working knowledge of principles of SEO including keyword research and Google Analytics, understand computers and internet access to navigate the various technical and strategic needs of the project
Organization Skills
  • Demonstrated success in project & time management with a diversity of communications tools, strategies and platforms
  • Ability to thrive in a fast-paced environment with accuracy and detail
  • Takes initiative and can work independently
Interpersonal Skills
  • Being professional, friendly and approachable on- and offline as a representative of the partnering organizations
Creativity, Problem Solving & Collaboration Skills
  • Interest in a collaborative and integrated/holistic approach to sustainability that supports environmental, social and economic prosperity
  • Ability to balance the creative side of communications & marketing with analytical side of metrics, KPIs, and analysis
  • Ability to work well and communicate clearly with others, acknowledge and build on ideas and support collective efforts and impact
Native Hawaiian Culture & Geography
  • Familiarity with Hawai‘i’s geography and communities, as well as Hawaiian language, culture and traditions
  • Identify best ways to communicate Aloha+ messaging on different platforms and convey information on current topics of sustainability goals

Partner Organizations

Hawai‘i Green Growth (HGG) is a public-private partnership that catalyzes action across government, private sector and civil society to achieve Hawai‘i’s Aloha+ Challenge 2030 sustainability goals and serve as a model for integrated green growth. HGG is committed to building a more sustainable, resilient for Hawai‘i and island earth. As a network-based organization of over 100 member partners, HGG serves as the backbone organization for the Aloha+ Challenge.

The Aloha+ Challenge is a joint sustainability commitment led by Hawai‘i’s Governor, four County Mayors, Office of Hawaiian Affairs, State Legislature and public-private partners across the state. This statewide framework outlines six ambitious 2030 sustainability goals in the areas of Clean Energy, Local Food Production, Natural Resource Management, Solid Waste Reduction, Smart Sustainable Communities, and Green Workforce & Education. The Aloha+ Challenge builds on Hawai‘i’s history of systems-thinking, indigenous knowledge, culture and values, and provides a framework to set priorities, catalyze action and track progress. Hawai‘i’s approach has been recognized nationally and internationally as model that can be scaled to support the implementation of the United Nations 2030 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the Paris Climate Agreement. The progress of Hawai‘i’s sustainability goals is tracked online on the Aloha+ Dashboard.

Kamehameha Schools (KS) is a private, educational, charitable trust founded and endowed by the legacy of Princess Bernice Pauahi Bishop. KS operates a statewide educational system enrolling nearly 7,000 students of Native Hawaiian ancestry at K-12 campuses on O`ahu, Maui and Hawai`i and 30 preschools statewide. More than 41,000 additional learners and their caregivers are served each year through a range of other Kamehameha Schools outreach programs, community collaborations and financial aid opportunities. Income generated from its endowment portfolio of Hawai`i commercial real estate and other diverse investments funds more than 96 percent of Kamehameha’s educational mission. As Hawai‘i’s largest private landowner, KS is responsible for the stewardship of over 365,000 acres of land on Hawai‘i island, Maui, Moloka‘i, O‘ahu and Kaua‘i. Over 358,000 acres of the trust’s lands are dedicated to conservation and agriculture. KS actively supports diversified agriculture and protects and restores natural and cultural resources on its lands. KS also cultivates an extensive array of land-based cultural education programs through the expertise and commitment of numerous community collaborators.

Kupu is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization based in Honolulu, Hawai‘i. Kupu is the Hawaiian word meaning, “to sprout, grow, germinate, or increase” and like the fern (one of the first plants to bring life back to the land after a lava flow), Kupu’s heart is to bring life back to the people, land, and ocean while restoring the larger community for a better tomorrow. Founded in 2007, Kupu was developed in response to the growing need within Hawai`i communities to prepare the next generation for jobs in natural resource management, renewable energy, energy conservation and green industries. Kupu is predicated on the Hawaiian concept of ma ka hana ka`ike, “in working one learns.”

University of Hawai’i Office of Sustainability functions as a backbone organization, providing support to the campuses to enhance the existing sustainability work under way, coordination capacity for campuses to share information and resources with each other to catalyze action to achieve our islandsʻ sustainability & resilience goals.

Application Requirements: Please go to the following web page and complete the application form for the Aloha+ Challenge Communications Specialist at www.kupuhawaii.org/sustainability.

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