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Building Voices Design Competition 2017

buildling voices

A Part of the BUILDING VOICES Ideas + Action Festival -- Presented by the School of Architecture at the University of Hawaiʻi and University of Hawaiʻi Community Design Center

(Honolulu, March 13, 2017) –The University of Hawai’i’s School of Architecture and Community Design Center is pleased to announce the launch of the BUILDING VOICES DESIGN COMPETITION, part of the BUILDING VOICES design festival featuring local, national and international designers, architects, artists, engineers and problem solvers. The day-long event will be held on Earth Day, April 22, at the Hawaiʻi State Capitol.

The BUILDING VOICES DESIGN COMPETITION focuses on the value of design and its impact on built and natural environments and fostering communication between multiple communities and organizations. The BUILDING VOICES DESIGN COMPETITION closes for entries on April 5, 2017. Entering the competition is free.

“We are seeking design solutions that draw knowledge from multiple disciplines, including architecture, product design, engineering, service design, landscape architecture, urban design and others,” said Karla Sierralta, assistant professor at the University of Hawai’i’s School of Architecture. Designs must be socially, economically, ecologically and culturally sustainable. For full details, please visit: https://www.buildingvoices.org/competition/.

“The goal of the BUILDING VOICES DESIGN COMPETITION is to highlight local emerging, midcareer and established design talents alongside national and international ones, with a thematic emphasis on prototypical solutions for the built environment that generate a positive impact for the natural world,” explained Sierralta.  “We’re excited about sharing Hawaiʻi’s perspective as an integral part of the global discussion on design and welcoming participants from around the world to join us through an open invite to the BUILDING VOICES DESIGN COMPETITION,” said Brian Strawn, co-founder of Strawn+Sierralta.

The distinguished jury includes Xavier Vendrell of Rural Studio, Healoha Johnston of the Honolulu Museum of Art, Rebecca Buck of Amazon, T. Annie Nguyen of the U.S. Digital Service at the White House, Andrew Tang of Transit-Oriented Development Honolulu, and architects Aljoša Dekleva from Slovenia, Clément Blanchet from Paris and Daniel Vasini of West 8 New York.

The first prize will win $5,000, second prize will win $2,500, and the third prize will win $1000. The winning designs will be featured in the BUILDING VOICES TRAVELING EXHIBIT to be launched at the Hawaiʻi State Capitol on April 22 and presented by the University of Hawai’i Community Design Center. 

The University of Hawai’i Community Design Center (UHCDC) is a community design and outreach program led by the School of Architecture that provides service learning opportunities through projects serving Hawai’i and the Asia-Pacific region. As a hybrid program of education, practice, and outreach, UHCDC offers a new platform for interdisciplinary research, design, and design discourse that connects students and members of our faculty and profession with the needs of our community.

The School of Architecture at the University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa offers the four-year undergraduate Bachelor of Environmental Design degree, and the three-year Doctor of Architecture degree, Hawai‘i’s only accredited degree in architecture.Hawai‘i offers students one of the world’s richest settings for the study of built and natural environments. Our programs orient to the kuleana of the University of Hawai‘i as an indigenous-serving Hawaiian Place of Learning. Hawaiian culture serves as the unifying context that drives sustained exchange between our academic and professional communities, expanding our contribution to the discourse on principled design here and around the world. 

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