A public-private partnership that coordinates across
government private sector, and civil society to achieve
Hawai‘i’s 2030 statewide sustainability goals and
serve as a model for integrated green growth.

Honolulu Selected for Rockefeller's 100 Resilient Cities

 Honolulu - low res

May 25, 2016 - The City and County of Honolulu was selected to join the final cohort for the Rockefeller Foundation's 100 Resilient Cities network.

100 Resilient Cities (100RC) helps cities around the world become more resilient to social, economic, and physical challenges. 100RC can offer Honolulu funding and resources to hire a Chief Resilience Officer, develop a Resilience Strategy, access to diverse tools and services valued at $200M, and membership in a global peer learning network that spans five continents. This was a highly competitive application process, and Honolulu was chosen for their innovative leadership and commitment to resilience building. Joining the internal 100RC network further highlights Hawai'i's role as an island leader and model for locally appropriate implementation of the global 2030 sustainable development agenda.

Hawai'i Green Growth looks forward to working with the City and County of Honolulu, 100RC, and other public and private partners to increase community resilience, risk reduction, and disaster preparedness and catalyze investments that will have positive impacts and long-term benefits across the state. As Hawai'i prepares to take the world stage at the IUCN World Conservation Congress this September, we have much to showcase on how Hawai'i is driving action towards our Aloha+ Challenge sustainability goals and leading on the global agenda.

Learn more at http://www.100resilientcities.org



1 Seal of the State of Hawaii
2 - City  County of Honolu Seal
3 - HI County Seal
4 - Maui County Seal
5 - Kauai County Seal
6 - OHA Logo
1 Glispa Logo
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2-DOA 2
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14 - HECO NEW logo
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HML Name  Logo
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kam schools Hgg 2
20 - Harold K.L. Castle Foundation
21 - WCC logo
22 -HSEO Logo Color
23-HEPF Logo
21-Pineapple Tweed
26 - tri-islelogocrop
27 - KPAA Logo 4c Side Stk r1
sheila sarang
30 - starwoodlogo
27-Kyoya logo
stephanie chang
34 - Sweet Home
22- HCA logo1
35-Accord 3.0
6-NTBG logo
20-Op Logo
42 - MM logo correct colors
7-HISC logo
25-Malama HI
47 - ONMS
34-town logo
49 - Kanu HI
25-MLC Logo 2
51 - OEQC logo
33-KHF logo
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