A public-private partnership that coordinates across
government private sector, and civil society to achieve
Hawai‘i’s 2030 statewide sustainability goals and
serve as a model for integrated green growth.

HGG Executive Director Named one of World's Top 30+ Influential "Climate Changers"



Hawai'i Green Growth's Executive Director Celeste Connors was named one of Origin Magazine's top "Climate Changers: Top Thinkers and Doers" -- 37 of the world's most influential minds charging the front lines of the climate crisis. Visit the full article from Origin Magazine featuring over 30 change agents across the globe.

Celeste Connors, HGG Executive Director: Climate change is a multidimensional challenge that requires interdisciplinary solutions. The greatest opportunities lie at the intersection between public and private sector, between communities, industries, and technologies. I served at the macro and micro level, shaping energy and climate policy at the White House and then launching a company to catalyze investment in sustainable development. Now, as the executive director of Hawaii Green Growth, I'm working with partners at the subnational level to achieve statewide sustainability targets, including in energy, water, food, waste, and smart cities. Get a seat at the table. Take responsibility for shaping policies that can drive concrete outcomes.

1 Seal of the State of Hawaii
2 - City  County of Honolu Seal
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kam schools Hgg 2
20 - Harold K.L. Castle Foundation
21 - WCC logo
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21-Pineapple Tweed
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27 - KPAA Logo 4c Side Stk r1
sheila sarang
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stephanie chang
34 - Sweet Home
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25-Malama HI
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34-town logo
49 - Kanu HI
25-MLC Logo 2
51 - OEQC logo
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