A public-private partnership that coordinates across
government private sector, and civil society to achieve
Hawai‘i’s 2030 statewide sustainability goals and
serve as a model for integrated green growth.

Position Opening! HGG Measures Coordinator

Measures Pano

Hawai‘i Green Growth seeking Measures Coordinator to lead implementation on Aloha+ Challenge Dashboard!

Full position description available here, and brief description of the position is available below.

Please submit your resume and cover letter by December 10, 2015 at 5pm on-line http://hawaiigreengrowth.catchthebest.com/apply/6ffc or via e-mail at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

If you have any questions, please contact: Breanna Rose at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. On-line or Email applications only.


The Measures Coordinator provides staff leadership for the Hawaiʻi Green Growth (HGG) Measures Project, including work with state government partners to build and maintain the Aloha+ Challenge Dashboard. The Coordinator's primary objective is to achieve one of four top priorities identified in the 2017 HGG Working Strategy:

Aloha+ Challenge Dashboard for decision-makers and the public completed and used to track progress and inform action on the six sustainability targets. Structure and funding in place to maintain the Dashboard's utility through 2030.
The Measures Coordinator works closely with the HGG Measures Team Co-Chairs and Core Team to plan, organize, and facilitate HGG Measures Team meetings and associated Aloha+ Challenge briefings and outreach activities. S/he engages and expands a diverse, statewide network of Measures Team members, target-specific experts, potential Dashboard users and other partners to ensure the quality, credibility, utility of the information presented on the Aloha+ Challenge Dashboard. S/he will also develop and manage project budgets, prepare and manage grants, assist with fund-raising, and conduct outreach to key audiences for the Measures Project in coordination with the rest of the HGG team.

As staff lead for measures, the Coordinator is a key member of the small HGG professional team. S/he works closely with the HGG Executive Director, HGG Assistant Coordinator, Steering Committee, Working Group, and partners to achieve HGG's priority objectives, using an integrated approach. The Measures Coordinator reports to the HGG Executive Director and supervises HGG interns and contractors, as needed. A new paid part-time graduate assistant position (or equivalent) is planned to support the Coordinator.

REPORTS TO: HGG Executive Director

LOCATION: Honolulu, Hawaiʻi

Complete Aloha+ Challenge Dashboard & Promote its Use:

1. Jointly plan and facilitate measures meetings and associated events with the Measures Team Co-Chairs and Core Team to achieve tangible outcomes. This includes 2-3 full Measures Team meetings each year, expert meetings, and Aloha+ Challenge and/or Dashboard briefings.

2. Identify and engage key leaders, partner organizations, and technical experts for a strategic and effective statewide public-private network to promote joint action, accountability, collaboration, information exchange, resource leverage and consensus building to advance the Aloha+ Challenge targets.

3. Work closely with the lead sustainability staff from the offices of the Aloha+ government signatories (the four counties, Governor's office, and Office of Hawaiian Affairs) to ensure continued engagement, ownership, understanding and use of the Dashboard to guide priority-setting and action. Help support and strengthen staff and capacity in these key offices as appropriate.

4. Represent HGG and the Aloha+ Challenge Dashboard and Measures project with key stakeholders, including elected officials; government, business and non-profit partners; media, etc.

5. Promote the Aloha+ Challenge through effective outreach and communications including presentations, outreach events, and stakeholder meetings.

6. Help secure annual HGG Measures budget (approximately $200,000- $300,000) from diverse sources, including government and foundation grants, private contributions and in-kind support from Measures Team members and others. Manage the overall budget, disbursements, contracts, grants, etc.

7. Develop long-term viability plan to maintain the Aloha+ Challenge Dashboard through 2030. This will include identifying key partner organizations and HGG's role.

8. Assist HGG Executive Director to integrate the strengths of the Measures Team and network into the design of a statewide governance, leadership and network structure with diverse stakeholders.

9. Work with HGG Communications Chair, communications consultant and staff to ensure strategic communications and outreach for the Aloha+ Challenge, the Dashboard and HGG via diverse media, including working with Measures Team members' communications staff and mechanisms.

10. Serve as the main supervisor for the HGG Measures Fellow. Supervise and coach HGG interns, staff, contractors, consultants and volunteers to achieve agreed objectives.

11. Perform other duties as assigned.

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